In the Attic by Hiawyn Oram. il by Satoshi Kitamura.
Henry Holt and Company: NY, 1984.

In this book, an unnamed boy is looking for something new to do, even though he has "a million toys." He uses the ladder from his firetruck to climb through the ceiling to his attic. There he dreams vivid scenes and adventures. I particularly like the windows into other worlds and the game with the tiger. In the end, he climbs back to his home and tells his mom about his day.

The text is fairly basic and short enough for beginners. Though it is basic, it still sounds like a story, not stilted. The illustrations are the centerpiece of the story. Imaginative and detailed. I want to just look and look at the page.

related-boredom, Japanese children's stories, attics, imagination, adventure
RL=K-1st, read aloud to toddler-1st

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