Alone Across the Arctic: One Woman's Epic Journey by Dog Team by Pam Flowers with Ann Dixon.
Alaska Northwest Books/Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company: Portland, OR, 2001.

Read this exciting account of Pam Flowers's trip across the Arctic. She completely changed her life to follow her dream. As an adult, she decided to learn to raise sled dogs and learn the survival skills necessary for travelling alone with a team in the wilderness. She eventually became the first woman to journey alone across the Arctic with a team of sled dogs. She has written in detail about the preparation, routine, coping, and teamwork required for them to succeed against so many odds.

Her story is awe-inspiring and beautiful and so full of wisdom and love for her dogs. She is an inspiration for all who have a dream that may seem impossible. Or one that will not gain support from those around you. Her message is not just that you can do extraordinary things if you have the motivation and discipline, but also that you should be yourself even when that self is totally different from what is considered normal.

I had the great fortune to hear Pam Flowers speak at the Bangor Public Library, ME. She has a great gift of storytelling, and her stories are true. She has so much strength and emotion in her presentation.
related-Alaska, Arctic regions, dogsledding, journeys, survival

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