Bamboozled by David Legge.
Scholastic, Inc: NY, 1994.

A young girl on her weekly visit to her grandfather senses there is something unusual this day and can't figure out what it is. The story is very simplistic, though a little higher than the Wacky Wednesday it brings to mind. The pictures are what makes the book. They are a blend of David Wiesner's and Norman Rockwell's styles. The wacky Escher-ness of Wiesner's and the 40s Americana of Rockwell's. Many of the details feel like they have a story themselves.

My oldest son loved Wacky Wednesday as a toddler. The counting, kindergarten feel of it always irritated me. Though the idea is similar here, it is more about exploring the illustrations and delighting in the ideas and impossibilities. I caught myself wondering what if it could be that way, regarding some of the items. So, though it is a bit corny, it is a fun book to examine closely.

related-grandfathers, family, impossible happenings
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddlers-K

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