Beetle Bop by Denise Fleming.
Harcourt, Inc: Orlando, FL, 2007.

I haven't found many minimal words books, targeted at babies and toddlers, that impressed me. However, Beetle Bop has a combination of unique artwork and rhyming, beat-based word play. I can hear the humming of the beetles, all sorts, doing the kind of things beetles do. It is simple, but the words themselves want to play in your mouth. And in the right hands, it'd be an awesome read aloud book.

The vibrant colors and different texture drew me right off. After seeing how the illustrations were produced, I can see that the texture is like handmade paper. They were created by "pouring colored cotton fiber through hand-cut stencils" for a unique and satisfying effect.

related-beetles, stories in rhyme, insects
RL=read aloud to babies and toddlers, 1st-2nd by themselves

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