Loose Threads by Lorie Ann Grover.
Margaret K. McElderry Books/ Simon & Schuster: NY, 2002.

Kay lives with three older generations of female relatives: her mom, grandmother and great-grandmother. Her grandmother drops the bomb while watching a favorite show; she has a lump in her breast. The story is Kay's experiences and thoughts told through short bursts of verse. Middle school age, Kay is struggling through her life at school and reacting to life at home, as changes happen with her grandmother's health and needs.

This is a passionate story, with step by step coping with illness, including some shock and denial. This perceptive account shines with the closeness and interaction of the four family members. Strong relationships hold them together and pull Kay through the trying experience.

A quick read, because you don't want to put it down. related-relationships, family, mothers and daughters and granddaughters, fighting illness, breast cancer, story told through poetry

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