Brave Bear by Kathy Mallat.
Walker Publishing Company: NY, 1999.

This is a story told almost exclusively through illustrations. The brief text is all the dialogue of the bear that helps a bird which has fallen from its nest. You can almost hear the bird twittering back. The artwork is fantastic with the bear as the focus. Each picture spills beyond its borders and propels the reader through the story.

The pictures capture the caring and emotion well. It is a simple story with each spread having a strong point. The bear is perfectly drawn with many poses through its adventure, including the stuffed bear look at the start.

It is a nice one to read aloud in a small group, close in for the best viewing. The one-sided conversation helps to build the anticipation as the children must pay close attention to see what is happening.

related-bears, birds, courage, helping others
RL=K-1st, mostly read aloud to babies and toddlers

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