Burt Dow: Deep-Water Man by Robert McCloskey.
Viking Press: NY, 1963.

It may not be the first book that comes to mind for most people when they think of Robert McCloskey. Many have never heard of it. While I enjoy the more popular Make Way for Ducklings, Blueberries for Sal, and One Morning in Maine, I think Burt Dow has more character. The language is rich with culture and sound. The humor is irresistible and stimulating. The details in the pictures and story are fabulous (though some may find the pictures garish).

Upon moving to Maine, we tried all the McCloskey books. All but Time of Wonder are fixtures in our home and have been lovingly read to all 3 kids. We have favorite parts of each book. For Burt Dow that would be giggling gull, the new fashion of striped band-aids for the whales, the boat's paint job, the Pollock-like decoration of the whale's tummy, and the descriptive words and sounds.

The texture and rhythm of Burt Dow's language takes a little getting used to, but (odd though it is) I believe it is the best book of the bunch.
related-whales, boats, fishing on the ocean, self-sufficiency, Maine
RL=2nd-3rd and read aloud to age 2 and up

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