Cloud Eyes by Kathryn Lasky. il Barry Moser.
Harcourt Brace & Company: NY, 1994.

This book was a pleasant surprise to me. The text is in the style of Native American storytelling. A flowing story told in a matter of fact manner with mystery and tradition. It seems very much the sort of story you would want to read to a young boy, with the protagonist being so lively and strong of character, obviously an important person in his community.

It is the story of a young hero who discovers the reason for a lack of honey by following the bear tracks. He listens to the bees and dreams of the bears' behavior. He learns to communicate with the bears to solve the problem the bears are creating, and he shares the goodness of the honey with the bears as a peace offering.

Barry Moser's black and white drawings are a major attraction of the book. Magnificently drawn illustrations that can easily be stand alone art. Bears in diferent aspects - sleeping, dancing, watching. Cloud eyes - young, dreaming, as a reflection, disguised, and later in life.

The story was inspired by the novel Dancing Bear by James Crumley.

related-bears, bees, honey, Indians of North America
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddlers-1st

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