Comet's Nine Lives by Jan Brett.
G. P. Putnam's Sons: NY, 1996.

The book is presented with Brett's usual style: beautifully detailed, two-page spreads with themed borders and extra pictures on the side which tell a second story. In this particular book, the two stories converge for the ending. Oddly, considering this is a cat story, all of the background characters are dogs.

The story is not terribly original, but it does put Comet in many of the types of trouble in which cats tend to get themselves. It seems to me Comet loses his lives too readily, but the concepts create nice settings for Brett's artwork. If you are looking for a story set in New England or involving cats, this isn't a bad choice.

related-cats, Nantucket Island, New England, Massachusetts, nine lives of a cat, mischief
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddler-K

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