Crazy Alphabet by Lynn Cox. il Rodney McRae.
Orchard Books: NY, 1992.
First published by Angus & Robertson Publishers: Australia, 1990.

My two favorite things about this alphabet book are the collage style pictures that include quilt-like motifs and the language used. Almost half of the pictures are attractive and highly detailed, with many of them incorporating two of the letters. The language is an accumulating story. Some of the words are standards for alphabet books; others are more creative. There are some great action words besides. All taken together, it makes for a more exciting book than most alphabet books.

This is one of the best ABC books for learning to read due to the variation and repetition. Most are too simple to go far. Some might think it would be too difficult, but I believe there needs to be some challenge. When I taught my kids, I wrote out a few sentences for each letter for us to read together, concentrating on the letter and family interests. It was difficult at first, but they learned very quickly.

related-alphabet, ABCs, accumulating stories
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddlers-K, preK-1st can follow along with words

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