The Etcher's Studio by Arthur Geisert.
Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 1997.

A boy helps his grandfather in his etcher's studio prepare for his annual gallery sale. The boy describes the etching process and how he assists with materials and coloring the etchings. The first part of the story is the process. Then, 14 pages of the detailed pictures, etched and colored. At the end, a guide of elements in the etcher's studio and step by step instructions for an etching. The very last page gives a brief history.

This is a great book. It has an old-timey feeling, though it isn't necessarily dated. Just different from the norm. The text is simple, straightforward and instructional. I like that the author is willing to share his process. Makes me want to give it a try. It also makes me appreciate the incredible details more, knowing that the process had to be done over and over for one illustration. It is awesome to see even without the info.

related-etchings, artists, artwork, illustrators, grandfathers, imagination, art studios, art exhibitions
RL=K and up, read aloud with pre-K and K, elementary students for art class or ideas

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