A Gardener's Alphabet by Mary Azarian.
Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 2000.

Almost 20 years after her first book, Azarian produced another alphabet book. Still, fabulous woodcut prints, but this time colored with watercolors. The colors are nice, but I like her black and white prints in The Farmer's Alphabet better. I do love the complexity of the prints. In a sense, Azarian is telling a story, beloved to all gardeners, with her elaborate illustrations. Again, simple words, but the concepts are a whole familiar scene played out for us. The book is delightful. I think I am becoming a collector of alphabets, fascinated just as Azarian was.

Another difference in the style between the two books is that the first book has an older feel. Little time was spent on features of the people. The focus was the surroundings. In the newer book, the people are softer and cheerier.

related-gardening, gardens, alphabet, ABCs, growing food, flowers

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