The Great Dewey Hunt by Toni Buzzeo. il by Sachiko Yoshikawa.
Upstart Books: Janesville, WI, 2009.

This is a teaching book for the Dewey Decimal system. Toni Buzzeo is a Library Media Specialist who came up with the idea of a treasure hunt for learning the Dewey categories and finding books by category. She implemented the game with her students, and then she transformed the idea into this picture book. In the story, a class learns the Dewey system and helps a younger class to learn it, too. There is a lesson pamphlet included for teachers and librarians to use the idea with their students.

The story is the main focus of the book. It is light-hearted with a couple conflicts thrown in for interest. I think the best part is the hunt itself.

For those looking for books with Maine connections, Buzzeo is from Maine. There is no apparent Maine theme, though.

related-Dewey Decimal System, libraries, books, finding books, book search, schools
RL=1st-4th, kindegarteners may be interested as well

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