Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher Preachers by Jean Fritz.
G. P. Putnam's Sons: NY, 1994.

Despite having 6 children and housework, Harriet wanted to do something important. Her father was a preacher who raised his sons to become a preacher and speak publicly about political issues. Harriet had lived for years in Cincinnati, Ohio on the edge of slave territory with the issue of runaway slaves being important in the town and in her family. She became passionately opposed to slavery during her years in Cincinnati. She decided that writing a book depicting aspects of slavery could be her contribution to the movement to end slavery. The book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, was and still is widely read.

Harriet Beecher Stowe's family and life were more interesting than I would have guessed. This book is one of Jean Fritz's more fascinating books-maybe partly because Harriet Beecher Stowe is a lesser known person than Fritz's other subjects.

related-women authors, 19th century, Congregational Churches, ministers, Beecher family, American authors, abolitionists, writing club

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