Have You Seen Birds? by Joanne Oppenheim. il by Barbara Reid.
Scholastic, Inc: NY, 1986.
Original text 1968.

This is a language-playful, season-passing poem about bird behavior. Different habitats are also included. Many of the descriptions are combined into adjectives with dashes. It has a nice rhythm and texture, all of it with very specific meaning.

I have no idea what the original illustrations were like. These took a little acclimation. After seeing the whole book, I've decided it's cool. The illustrations are mixed media, primarily using plasticine (a substitute for clay) so it resembles a relief. Very detailed modeled work! I love the poem, too, but it is worth a look just for the sculpturing. Whole scenes sculpted.

related-poetry for children, birds, seasons, habitats, science, animals RL=2nd-4th, read aloud to toddlers-1st

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