If I Never Forever Endeavor by Holly Meade.
Candlewick Press: Somerville, MA, 2011.

The illustrations are in mixed media collage style, lending some depth and movement to otherwise simplistic painting.

The wordplay is the centerpiece of the story, otherwise the text, too, would be overly simplistic. Meade poetically depicts a fledgling bird debating whether to try to leave the nest or not. Leaving might mean drastic failure, or it could mean incredible possibilities - adventure, friends, achievement. It sounds much like a poem of encouragement a parent would create for a child learning to do new and challenging things. And it is simple enough that it could be a favorite to memorize.

related-birds, trying, attempting a challenge, flying, encouragement, linoleum block printing, collage art
RL=1st, read aloud to toddlers

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