The Insomniacs by Karina Wolf. il by The Brothers Hilts.
G. P. Putnam's Sons/Penguin Group: NY, 2012.

I was immediately drawn to both the illustrations and the title. The style of the pencil and charcoal drawings is reminiscent of the movies Coraline and A Nightmare Before Christmas. Even the daytime portions are dark and shadowy. The scenes are filled with focused detail.

The story is an unusual topic with a unique perspective. A family moves to the other side of the world and cannot seem to adjust their time reference. So, they try living at night instead. They study night creatures, participate in nocturnal activities, and enjoy the night happenings. They decide their new life suits them.

The family tries to fit in their new home. When it doesn't work, they try something different, and in the process, they discover that the difference is okay. Sleep habits is an area in which my family has also not managed to follow the norm. We go back and forth between night and day to fit in with others' schedules, and it doesn't work well. It's nice to see this subject addressed, and I like the overall theme of it being okay to find your own way and live differently. I also enjoy the humor.

Note for parents: If you are particularly concerned with forming and keeping to a routine, you may wish to avoid this book until you have a well established pattern. Expect to be a little flexible with bedtimes if reading this. For me, this was not a concern.

related-sleep patterns, way of life, choices, being yourself

RL=1st-2nd, read aloud toddler-K

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