Kidogo by Anik McGrory.
Bloomsbury Publishing: NY, 2005.

Kidogo is part introduction to elephant habitat, part description of youngsters wanting to be a little more grownup. Kidogo is the smallest of the herd, needing help in different ways. He wanders to try to find an animal smaller than him, without much luck. After giving up and deciding he will take care of himself on his own, he does find something smaller.

I especially like the references to his family taking care of him and his care of the little creatures he discovers. Kidogo has quite the personality, as shown in the pictures.

The story is quiet and subtle. A cheery reflection of family and life, whether the subject is elephants or people.

related-family, size, size perception, elephants, ants, animals, helping
RL=K-1st, read aloud to toddlers-K

Quick, Slow, Mango by Anik McGrory.
Bloomsbury Publishing: NY, 2011.

In this story, Kidogo is directed by his mother to keep up with the routine of the family. She is training him when to drink, eat, etc. As is normal with young ones, he is more interested in exploring and playing. He wanders again in this story, because he misses the drink he should have had earlier. This places him in the river at the opportune time to make a new friend. PolePole is frantically picking mangoes, which she drops into the river in her haste. Kidogo captures some of them, and she copies him.

Kidogo's personality really shines in this story. His exploration and antics are the best part. His playing and his trick in catching the mangoes. I also appreciate the themes of helping and togetherness, though they are gentle reminders, just a natural part of life.

related-speed, use of time, elephants, monkeys, animals, Africa
RL=K-1st, read aloud to toddlers-K

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