Lightship by Brian Floca.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2007.

Lightship depicts the places on board a ship, the lives of its crew, and the dangers involved in its duties. A lightship is a particular ship that held its position to warn ships in areas where lighthouses could not be built. Most of the ship explanation is similar to other ships, but Floca uses this specific type of ship to add interest. It adds heroism to the story.

Like Five Trucks, the text is short and simple. The words are well chosen, though. It has a depth one would not expect from the brevity. The pictures add to this, but the language is an example of how important the wording is to the atmosphere and concept of the book. Until this point, Floca was mostly know as an illustrator, but he is proving himself as a wordsmith, too.

related-ships, lightships, historical
RL=K-1st, mostly read aloud with toddlers-preK

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