Madam President by Lane Smith.
Hyperion Books for Children: NY, 2008.

Lane Smith's new book compares events in a little girl's day to the day of a President. The text is succinct statements. The comparisons are funny in their exaggeration. School age children will agree with many of the sentiments. Not surprisingly, the illustrations make the book: from the President's cabinet to the Secret Service Cat to keeping the peace to the Disaster Area. Lane Smith fans will enjoy it.

No doubt it would have made more of an impact if Hilary Clinton were the Democratic nominee, but I don't think it matters. The book defines the Presidency in terms children can understand, during what is perhaps the most important election in over half a century.
related-tasks of a United States President, children's lives
RL=K-3rd, read aloud is fine, but young kids may not understand the jokes

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