Moonshot by Brain Floca.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2009.

Prepare to be amazed! Brian Floca takes a subject full of amazement and adds to it with the level of anticipation created by each artistic description. A one week flight, a mind-blowing quest, each step anticipated by the whole world, waiting to hear of success and worrying about failure.

Many things strike me regarding this book. First, of course, is the wonderful illustrations. Second is the perfect depiction of the experience. It makes you feel that you are there - watching, listening, waiting along with everyone else. There is the level of the writing which is not talking down to the children. While reading this level may be difficult for early school children, they are certainly capable of understanding when it is read to them or discussed. I am glad that Floca understands this. The subject matter is unusual for this age, and it is awesome that Floca thought to introduce this experience. Imagine the glowing minds and how much enthusiasm they will have for learning new and fantastic things. I have always felt that educational experiences are fun. This book will share that excitement with generations more. Last, but not least, Floca spent time researching the material beforehand, and it shows.

Front end pages show the stages of the rocket - how they fit together and when they are jettisoned. Opposite end pages have an author's note about the commitment to the moon landing project and stages of the journey.

related-Project Apollo, U.S., Apollo 11, flight to the moon
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddler-1st

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