Mudkin by Stephen Gammell.
Carol Rhoda Books/Lerner Publishing: Minneapolis, MN, 2011.

After a stretch of rainy weather ends, a girl plays at being queen. Asked to reign the kingdom by a mud figure, she is given a cloak and crown fashioned from mud. They take a mud carriage to a mud castle and overlook her majesty's muddy subjects. The rain soon comes to wash it all away, and it's time to go inside.

The story is almost totally created through images. You gotta love it: imagination showcased through a mud medium. The paintings are fabulous in Gammell's recognizable style; they are reason enough to take a peek. The donning of the cloak and crown are two of the best, looking almost like real apparel.

related-play, mud, imagination, rainy days and rainfall
RL=K-1st, read aloud with toddlers

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