My Friend, the Starfinder by George Ella Lyon. il by Stephen Gammell.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers: NY, 2008.

This is a more simple story than what usually appeals to me. I was drawn to it by the title and then the illustrations. The pictures are gorgeous with a cosmic and real feeling at once. Of course, this suits the story as the premise is that the tales the friend tells are too fantastic to believe, yet they are true. I'd like to linger a little longer on the specific tales, as they are miraculous themes, though very natural and regularly occurring. This is what I find so captivating about the book (though it barely touches on the idea); truly wondrous events occur, but they are simply science. Awesome! I wanted more, but it was a short, quick book.

I also enjoyed the author's mention of her friend and his father and grandfather living through all the Presidents' terms. There's no note of a time period for this statement, but it's mind-boggling nonetheless.

After reading through, make sure you go back and look closely at the pictures. They are a treat.

related-storytellers, meteors, falling stars, rainbows
RL=K-1st, read aloud to toddlers-K

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