My Little Sister Ate One Hare by Bill Grossman. il Kevin Hawkes.
Crown Publishers, Inc/Random House: NY, 1996.

How funny! I didn't know what to expect with this title. I certainly didn't expect a counting book. One of the best counting books. It is a rhyming story with the sister on stage eating gross things. The things she chooses to eat are imaginative, and she has a different costume for each. The thing that turns out to be the worst for her is a food many kids reject.

Great dramatic buildup with the add-on rhyming style. The illustrations, with vivid contrasting color and lots of shadow, truly make the story come alive. Great for read aloud or beginning reader.
related-counting, stories in rhyme, resistance to eating vegetables
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud tp toddler-K

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