One Is A Feast For Mouse by Judy Cox. il Jeffrey Ebbeler.
Holiday House: NY, 2008.

For a twist to the Thanksgiving tale, Mouse collects a feast from the table while the humans sleep. Since one is enough for a mouse feast, Mouse takes one of everything that catches his eye. Cat interrupts his progress with the heaping collection, but he can still be thankful for what remains.

Mouse's behavior curiously mimics that of humans at a Thanksgiving feast. We also pile on more and more in an attempt to sample every delectable dish, though obviously it is too much for us to handle. Thus, the sleeping humans. The irony of Mouse's repeating "One is a feast for me." is not lost.

The illustrations are like Mouse's point-of-view - large. There are some great details - the towering feast, Mouse peaking from the clock, the cat's eyes watching Mouse, and the reflection in the water glass. They are as much of the story as the accumulating text and wordplay.

related-Thanksgiving, mice, cats, greed, food
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddlers-K

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