On Etruscan Time by Tracy Barrett.
Henry Holt and Company: NY, 2005.

When Hector's mom is asked to help at an archaeological site in Italy, he is dragged along. To pass the time, he helps with the digging and is transported back through time to the Etruscan village it used to be. An artifact with protective qualities is the transportation device. Hector believes he is dreaming at first, but the Etruscan boy's plea for help becomes all too real. Underlying the story is Hector's need to find a way to be heard-in his life and the dream episodes.

The book is short, but unusual with a high interest level. The use of the device for time travel is creative. There are conflicts in the present and past to be sorted out, and I liked also that Hector holds the key to both. In the past he is invisible to all but the one boy and thinks of the boy's solution. In the present, he becomes part of the dig and finds an important artifact.

related-dreams, Etruscans, Italy, archaeology, time travel, sacrifice, mothers and sons

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