English translation by Thomas Connors. Harry N. Abrams, Inc: NY, 2010. Originally by Hélium: 2009. Chaos ensues as a family tries to reach the airport for a vacation as one mishap after another occurs, some of them rather unlikely but entertaining. Almost as if the family were causing the problem, but a bar of soap is the culprit. I missed that little detail at the beginning and had to reread; I did get that it is a chain reaction of events. The family's attempt to arrive at the airport is heroic. Whether they make it to their destination or not, they've had a great adventure. The book is colorful, busy and energetic. Black juxtaposed with splashes of color emphasizes the drama. It is chaotic, maybe even a little incoherent. All of the cause and effect relationships are explained at the end, for those having trouble following. I would suggest you read and enjoy the first time around. Then, go back and look more closely at relationships and peruse the madcap illustrations. Several of the scenes on their own are fascinating to behold. Certainly humorous and creative. I like 365 Penguins better, but this was eyecatching and enjoyable, too. It would be pretty hard to live up to 365 Penguins. Maybe unfair to compare. Compared to picture books not by Fromental and Jolivet, I'd say it's a keeper.
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