Ruby Sings the Blues by Niki Daly.
Bloomsbury Publishing: NY, 2005.
Originally by Frances Lincoln, Ltd: London.

This book is for all the loud children out there (and their parents). Ruby annoys everyone with her yelling - other residents, her teacher, the other children. Her teacher tries to teach her to control her volume, but it isn't until neighboring musicians help her use her strong voice that she and others appreciate her gift. Through singing lessons she learns to control her voice, not just the volume and in a fun way.

The illustrations are cartoonish, artful, and expressive. The reactions to Ruby's sound level just a teensy bit exaggerated. Both the volume button and singing lessons are excellent examples of ways to tone down the noise, and I like that the musicians made a point of telling Ruby her voice is awesome.

related-voice, loudness, jazz music, individuality, belonging
RL=1st-2nd, mostly read aloud to toddlers-K

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