Seasons by Blexbolex.
Enchanted Lion Books: NY, 2010.
Originally in French as Saisons ©2009 Albin Michel Jeunesse.
Translated by Claudia Bedrick.

Seasons is a first words book, originally in French. The word choices lead me to believe their beginning reading may stress rote learning more than phonetic lessons. The words are common verbal usage, but not simple words. This makes for a more interesting book, but it is not in a phonetic or ABC format. Instead, it cycles through the seasons a few times and might be targreted towards younger children and enjoyment of books rather than learning to read.

The style of the book is also French, though I did not see a French publisher for it. I thoroughly enjoyed the illustrations. They look like they are wood or linoleum cut prints. They vary in complexity and number of colors. It has wide ranging concepts, portrayed well.

related-seasons, common words
RL=mostly toddler-K

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