The Seasons Sewn: A Year in Patchwork by Ann Whitford Paul. il Michael McCurdy.
Browndeer Press/Harcourt Brace & Company: NY, 1996.

This book is much like Eight Hands Round by Ann Whitford Paul. It also describes historical themes in relation to patchwork squares and their names. They are different patterns, since there are so many from which to choose, and they are presented based on seasons of the year. Many of the patterns are more difficult than in the other book. As in the other, the patterns are shown first as squares, and then repeated squares for maximum effect. The illustrations in The Seasons Sewn are more precise and much more detailed. I love the historical information and the presentation. I can't wait to try some of the patterns myself.

related-patchwork quilts, quilting patterns, frontier and pioneer life, United States history, seasons of the year
RL=2nd-4th, read aloud with preK-1st, could be used for elementary history

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