A Study in Sherlock ed by Laurie R. King and Leslie Klinger.
Poisoned Pen Press: Scottsdale, AZ, 2011.

Here we have 16 new short stories inspired by the Sherlock Holmes canon. Holmes does not appear in all of the stories, and the stories are quite different than anything I might have expected. The auhors are not all writers of detective works usually, nor do all of the stories take place in Victorian England. Hence, the wide variation.

This is an excellent collection, but perhaps, one to read leisurely. I find that short stories are often more enjoyable when you have time to take some breaks between stories. Think about them a little before moving on to the next.

My favorites of the collection are The Startling Events in the Electrified City by Tom Perry, in which Holmes acts as a security consultant for President McKinley during Buffalo, NY's Pan-American Exposition and The Case of Death and Honey by Neil Gaiman, in which Holmes travels to a remote Asian village to study (for years) a certain type of bee. Both of them have some wonderful Holmesian moments, while being way different from the canon or anything else.

For children and young adults, the author most known is Neil Gaiman. Laurie King is a writer of detective novels. Leslie Klinger has edited an annotated collection of the entire Holmes canon.

related-Sherlock Holmes, detective stories, crime, Alan Bradley, Tony Broadbent, S. J. Rozan, Phillip and Jerry Margolin, Lee Child, Tom Perry, Colin Cotterill, Neil Gaiman, Gayle Lynds and John Sheldon, Laura Lippman, Margaret Maron, Lionel Chetwynd, Dana Stabenow, Charles Todd, Jan Burke, Jacqueline Winspear
RL=7th-adult, adult book

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