Ten Little Caterpillars by Bill Martin, Jr. il by Lois Ehlert.
Beach Lane Books/Simon & Schuster: NY, 2011.

Simple, yet not simple. Full page spreads with single, counting sentences. Only the last sentence is complex. But not only are they rhyming, they are different types of caterpillars experiencing varying caterpillar experiences. At the back, the caterpillar types are shown with the butterflies or moths they turn into and what they eat.

Fairly simple pictures are composed of collages made with painted papers. There are some spots where the papers are layered, but mostly the papers are specially colored and textured to fit the object. Even the leaves have contrasting textures and varied colors to add complexity and realism. I was also struck by the idea that many of the illustrations would work well in a quilting medium. Beautifully and thoughtfully constructed!

related=counting to ten, caterpillars, insects, moths, butterflies, illustrators, collage, watercolors
RL=1st grade, read aloud to babies-preK

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