Ten Rowdy Ravens by Susan Ewing. il Evon Zerbetz.
Alaska Northwest Books/Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company: Portland, OR, 2005.

It's hard to say what I like best about this-the awesome color, texture, and details of the linocut prints, the meaningful language (also full of texture) for each number counted, or the entertaining and true reports of ravens in the short news section at the end. This is a counting book (backwards), but is far more than that. Each of the ideas portrayed is something totally in character for the ravens, branded as sharp-witted troublemakers through the ages. I especially like the ravens hanging on the laundry line. Can't you just picture it? When I first picked up the book, I had no idea what a treat was in store for me.

related-counting books, counting rhymes, ravens, habits of ravens and crows, birds
RL=2nd and up, plus read aloud to young ones

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