The Three Silly Billies by Margie Palatini. il Barry Moser.
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers: NY, 2005.

This is a retelling of a tale read to me over and over as a child, The Three Billy Goats Gruff. There is the addition of sharing the fare, plus extra folk characters and the opportunity to count the coins. No scary eating of the goats, just desserts for the troll, and the travelers didn't cheat the troll. I don't know what appealed to me as a child, but I like this version better. The emphasis is on silliness and inferences instead of scariness.

Probably the best part is the great pictures. Dramatic poses and emotional faces and a bright sharpness steal the show for an experience that would have been excellent even without the fractured fairy tale story.

related-The Three Billy Goats Gruff, folk tale retellings, characters in literature, humorous stories, sharing
RL=1st-3rd, mostly read aloud toddler-1st

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