Trouble on the Tracks by Kathy Mallat.
Walker & Company: NY, 2001.

This is a fun book for train and cat lovers. A train goes for its usual run and does run into Trouble - the cat. Until that point, it looks like a real train situation, though the background and people were drawn less realistically intentionally. As soon as you see the black illustration with eyes, you know just what Trouble is. It's a funny twist to the story. It wasn't until well after Trouble made his appearance that I noticed the feet of the people.

Another great read aloud with some characteristic cat pictures - the eyes, Trouble stepping over the town and peeking from behind a building. Look close at the arch on the cover. It looks like a cave. Guess again.

The illustrations are the centerpiece of the book. Wonderful attention to detail as well as some dramatic views. Mallat doesn't waste any space - not with her wording nor with any filler.

related-model trains, cats, engineers, railroad crash
RL=1st-2nd, mostly read aloud to toddlers-K

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