Weslandia by Paul Fleischman. il Kevin Hawkes.
Candlewick Press: Cambridge, MA, 1999.

Wesley is not like the other neighborhood children. He enjoys school and creates his own learning projects in the summer. This year he has learned that every civilization has a staple crop, so he makes that his new project-cultivating a staple crop. Once the plants are producing, he finds many uses for his crop. The ideas expand until he has founded his own civilization.

It is a stimulating and thought-provoking book which hopefully will broaden children's minds and get their creative energies flowing. Let them see the possibilities of creating their own worlds or expanding upon this one-if not physically, then possibly through writing or another form of art. Teachers may wish to consider using this for a Social Studies lesson.

Two things drew me to this book: the pictures which are fantastic and that I had already read several of Fleischman's books.

RL=2nd-3rd and read aloud

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