Eos/HarperCollins Publishers: NY, 2006. White Time is an exploration of different worlds. The short stories and Big Rage are related to time travel. In , workers deal with beings transported to their time. In Big Rage, a knight (and others) appears in a modern environment. Midsummer Mission alludes to A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Queen's Notice is centered around an ant-like government. The Boy Who Didn't Yearn explores a different way of seeing or handling emotional hangups. In Welcome Blue, a town awaits a phenomenal visitor with differing reactions. Tell and Kiss magnifies the connection of worries and weight gain with communication being the cure. Dedication prepares for the funeral of a princess. The Night Lily deals primarily with personal loss and survival village/town members through a bombing experience. In Wealth, society values a different commodity but is not all that different in other ways. All of the stories portray a different mind set and manner of living. Most of them bare a close relationship to what we view as society. The stories are unusual and thought provoking. I liked some better than others, but there is a good variety of subjects and styles.
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