Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox. il by Julie Vivas.
Kane/Miller Book Publishers: La Jolla, CA, 1985.
Originally by Omnibus Books: Australia, 1984.

A young boy, friends with several of the residents of the nursing home next door, is shown playing among his friends and asking questions. When his favorite person, Miss Nancy, loses her memory, Wilfrid searches for the meaning of "memory," so that he can return it to her.

I'm not a person big on sweet, but this is a nice story. Maybe partly due to the illustrations, you can feel the friendship between the boy and the old folks, the desire to help his friend, and the generosity of spirit that would prompt him to give away some of his prized possessions. For a bonus we are given visual evidence of the return of Miss Nancy's memory.

The illustrations are stand-alone quality, reminding me of Norman Rockwell and is ordinary life subjects and posings, though not as crisp.

related-memory, old age, friendships
RL=1st-2nd, read aloud to toddlers-K

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