Picture Book of the Month September 2013
Time for a picture book for October, and I realized I didn’t write a blog post for last months, though I did add one. The book is not a new book. I hadn’t seen it before, and the author is someone I go back to again and again for historical subjects.
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October 18th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Book of the Month for September 2013
I guess I have read an odd selection of books this month. Wasn’t greatly impressed with the fiction, so I am going with an adult history book. It is highly accessible and not particularly long. It is civics oriented and biographical, plus sheds light on a time period that tends to only get cursory attention in school. It shows how fascinating history can be.
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September 5th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Picture Book of the Month for August 2013
Still trying to catch up.
This month’s selection is another Caldecott. I have to say this year’s choices are ones I actually agree with, mostly. So often, I wonder what they were thinking. I haven’t seen many of the other new picture books, because the Borders in our area closed and has not been replaced by anything worthwhile. Bonus – I hadn’t heard of the author or illustrator before.
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September 2nd, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Book of the Month for August 2013
This month’s selection is a short story collection that is about 10 years old. It is one of the strongest collections I have come across. One might ask why I am choosing older book. This is the 1st time I have seen it, and if it deserves some attention, I do not care if it is older.
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August 8th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Picture Book of the Month for July 2013
I know I’m falling behind this month. We got back recently from vacation.
This selection is all about the illustrations. It is more simplistic than I tend to choose, but awesome nonetheless.
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July 28th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Book of the Month for July 2013
I had intended another selection this month and changed my mind at the last moment. My pick is short and intense, by a well loved author. I hadn’t read anything by him in a while. These three novellas have a fresh perspective.
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July 9th, 2013 by minerva66 | 2 Comments »
Picture Book of the Month for June 2013
I recently checked out four of this year’s picture award books from the library. Three of them are great for different reasons. This first selection I picked for its theme and quirky treatment.
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June 26th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Book of the Month for June 2013
This month’s selection is an older one. I had seen it years ago and was intrigued, but forgot about it. The author is well known and well liked, but this book is much better than the one other book I have read by her. It is a mystery with three young people (one adult age) caught up in the struggles of life. It takes a whole story of communication and investigation to sort things out and heal the families involved.
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June 3rd, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Picture Book of the Month for May 2013
I love this book! It isn’t the first time I’ve read it, but it still had the same impact as the first time. The book was inspired by an event which impacted millions of people and was far reaching. The Wikipedia article did not include my home state, but yes, we were affected, too. I cannot believe it was that long ago. Watch the trailer also, to see details inspired by the neighborhood.
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May 16th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Book of the Month for May 2013
This month’s selection is a fantasy set slightly after the American Civil War. The land has not healed. Opportunists are drawn to the possibilities in New York City. An unexpected attack could rip the country apart again.
That is the setting, but the tone is far less dark. The focus is on two young people who have the desire to protect the city.
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May 7th, 2013 by minerva66 | Comments Off
Note: I have made a point of including books that people of all ages can enjoy. Try some books that are a challenge and some for younger people too--no matter your age.
**Most of the books on this site were written for children and young adults. There are some adult books included because they appeal to younger readers too and because they are transitional for teenage readers.