Picture Book of the Month for January 2008

David Wiesner is the master of the wordless story. Besides the beauty of his work, he creates one surprise after another in his books. Some of his concepts are loosely tied to the story, but they are fabulous, detailed stories within the story.

This month’s selection is the best yet of his work. Totally amazing illustrations and a strong story. I hope you enjoy <i>Flotsam</i> as much as I have again and again.


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3 Responses to “Picture Book of the Month for January 2008”

  1. Andi Says:

    I loooove Wiesner! I was addicted when I first read Tuesday. Haven’t read Flotsam yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it.

  2. minerva66 Says:

    I love his books, too. An elementary reading teacher first introduced me to him in college. The Three Pigs. I forgot about it until I started reviewing picture books. When I looked for it in the catalog, I found Tuesday and Free Fall. I have been totally amazed since. I hope that his work will bring more recognition to the art of picture books. There are some great illustrators.

  3. minerva66 Says:

    Whoa! I looked at my info for The Three Pigs and found it couldn’t have been that book. The class was in 1987. Yet, I’m almost certain I remember the teacher showing us the pig flying in the paper airplane. How can this be possible? Anyone know of something else this could have been? I can’t imagine. It couldn’t have been a previous release of the book, could it?

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