The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor

I checked the book out from the library, because it sounded intriguing. It’s much more captivating than I expected. I don’t know how it was received by Lewis Carroll fans, but I found it to be one of the more engaging young adult books.


5 Responses to “The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor”

  1. Aella Siofra Says:

    That was a brilliant book. I am definitely able to be considered a Lewis Carroll fan and I believe that Frank Beddor brought about a creative novel with quality and tact.

    Cheering for Hatter Maddigan,
    *Aella Siofra*

  2. minerva66 Says:

    The book is terrific! As someone who tried reading Through the Looking Glass in younger years, this book has inspired me to give it another try. I would like to compare the books to see how closely they are related.

  3. LGW Librarian Says:

    Many thanks for your enthusiastic leap into the Pool of Tears assisting Princess Alyss and Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan with their harrowing adventures into pop culture.

    We would like to share with you new revelations from Wonderland as they come into the Looking Glass Wars Library and Hatter M Institute. If you’re interested in receiving this confidential material, before it becomes public, please supply a secure email address.

    The LGW Librarian

  4. minerva66 Says:

    I checked out a book from the library this week. The Other Alice by Bjork and Eriksson regarding Alice Liddell. It looks like it’s for youngish readers, but I thought it would be interesting to learn more about the real Alice for comparison to The Looking Glass Wars

  5. minerva66 Says:

    Has anyone read the Hatter Maddigan stories?-graphic novel format

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