How Well Are We Prepared to Survive Catastrophe?

Back from a short break, catching up on my reading and stuff. I noticed my reviews are piling up a little. This latest one I’ve added is a stunner-Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. I believe I read that it made the NY Times Best Seller List this year, but I couldn’t find the article to verify.

I also want to say that with the recent flap about adults reading YA literature, Life As We Knew It is a perfect example of why adults do and should read YA books. As for writing YA, the writers are helping to strengthen our youth (soon to be adults) and encourage them to think about solutions to societal problems and act upon their concerns instead of giving up as many adults have. Thank you, YA writers, for the incredible quality you bring to literature for teens.


One Response to “How Well Are We Prepared to Survive Catastrophe?”

  1. Jennifer Robin Says:

    What a glorious blog for a bookworm like me to be able to visit!

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