Christina Meldrum had her debut novel released in May-Madapple. I was very excited to read it, since it is different than anything else I’ve read and probes serious and stimulating concepts. I immediately had questions, and Christina Meldrum graciously answered them.
Thank you, Christina, for your great responses. I hope other readers will enjoy your book as much as I did.
June 15th, 2008 at 9:37 am
Thanks for posting this interview! You posed some of the questions that struck me when I myself was reading Madapple, and Christina gave some very good answers.
June 15th, 2008 at 5:48 pm
Halfway through the book I was writing down questions. I continued thinking about it for days after. I agree Christina’s answers are very good.
On the one about homeschool, I’d like to clarify that lack of social interaction is the number one concern I have heard from non-homeschoolers. It was something I was concerned about before I started to homeschool, but we are around people-just in different circumstances than at school. And I agree with Christina that homeschooling is so varied that it is not appropriate to make generalizations. I don’t know how many people understand this.
Aslaug is a very well-rounded character despite just having her mother as a child. However, in the court cases her isolation makes a difference. She is unaware of proceedings and how she should communicate for her own well being. The only ignorance she exhibits is of cultural matters. Which can be worked through in less extreme circumstances.