Book of the Month, Book of the Year, Book of the Decade

September’s selection is a tremendous book. It is a book that I hope will be read way into the future-a classic in the making. There are few books  that are this exciting to me. It involves 3 of my favorite topics: literature, education, and social change. The ideas within The Freedom Writers Diary by The Freedom Writers and Erin Gruwell have the power to revolutionize education and the topic of racism. The ideas are not new; the techniques have been used for more privileged students. But it is a rare occurrence for a teacher and class to come together so effectively-not just with their minds engaged, but their souls as well.

For those of you that don’t find literature, education or social change exciting topics. Check it out anyway. It’s not some dry document. It’s excerpts of peoples’ lives. It’s youth overcoming prejudice (directed at each other as well as from other people) and a lack of education in the process of transforming their lives.

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One Response to “Book of the Month, Book of the Year, Book of the Decade”

  1. magdalena Says:

    As much as anything, this book is about taking a stand, instead of looking the other way. Whether it’s about the Holocaust, gang violence, domestic violence or murder, the war in Iraq, the proposal to invade Iran, and the list goes on. Public outcry is the most effective way to stop injustice. Such a tremendous thing when we all take small steps in the right direction. When we don’t, atrocities happen.

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