Haiku Contest Results

The results are in for the Haiku a Book Contest.  The top 2 were hard to choose from, and our judges liked some of the others enough I want to mention them as well. Here are the top 6, with #1 being the winner.

  1. Fiction is not false.
    Great truths are often revealed
    By ink on paper.
    by Jim
  2. Consuming a book
    Ingesting words with our eyes
    Its food for the soul
    by pdhski
  3. We all live and die
    but Charlotte saves humble pig
    before she passes.
    by Jim, about Charlotte’s Web
  4. Firefighters torch books,
    ideas are dangerous.
    One wakes up, escapes.
    by Jim, about Fahrenheit 451
  5. Most people in need
    Turn to comfort foods. But me,
    I have comfort books.
    by Sarah
  6. Lots of words fill it.
    Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
    Find out what they mean.
    by redwall_hp, about Webster’s Dictionary

Thank you all for your participation. It was fun. I think we found, too, that it is much harder to haiku a specific book.

other haiku entries

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