Picture Book of the Month for July 2009

This month’s selection was chosen partly because of all the wonderful details. In Wink! The Ninja Who Wanted To Be Noticed, J. C. Phillipps has cut tiny details out of paper (some of which she painted first) to assemble her art. To me, the details add so much to the story – people in the background, plants, the grandmother’s sewing, the ninja’s ribbons. I have seen other books with collage, but Phillipps has gone farther than most.

I have to mention that part of why I love paper collage is that it looks so much like my favorite medium, quilting. I am a paper paster myself, for making greeting cards, and I truly love to see splendid collage.

For those who have already seen and love Wink, J. C. Phillipps is working on another, Wink!  The Ninja Who Wanted to Nap, with a possible publish time of Spring 2011.


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