Healing Water by Joyce Moyer Hostetter

Healing Water is a very sad but transformative story. It is an excellent story, though I expect it will be mostly read by adults. Because of the depressing subject, I do not know how many teens will pick it up. It may appeal to teens sensitive to others’ feelings or teens who have known desperation of some sort themselves. I was such a teen, but this book is so heart-wrenching. That said, there is much we could learn from it. Maybe know already, but could use a reminder.

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2 Responses to “Healing Water by Joyce Moyer Hostetter”

  1. joyce Hostetter Says:

    Thanks for the review! Love your site!


  2. minerva66 Says:

    You’re welcome, Joyce. As I said before, the book was on my shelf. It is a compelling story.

    Glad to see you’re still reading my site. Don’t get a lot of feedback.

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