Book of the Month for May 2011

I chose this month’s selection largely because it led me to an epiphany about myself. This is the foremost reason I continue to read fiction regularly;  it sometimes offers or confirms realizations about life.

It is also a fantastic book. It isn’t everyday that you can be so drawn into someone else’s  mind. The character is clear-sighted, though possibly more complex than the thinking of the average person.

I also want to note that April was Autism Awareness Month, and the book has a connection. I saw this past week that the prevalence is now 1 in 110 children. Clearly, we have a real problem here.

The character in this book who has Asperger’s is high functioning. I have met one boy in passing who seemed to be at this level. He did, however, have difficulty dealing emotionally with the other children around him.


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