Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan

In celebration of the release of The Gathering Storm by Brandon Sanderson/Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, I read the 6th book of the series, Lord of Chaos. Yes, I am only halfway through the series.

Since it is maybe a little silly to review all of the books in a huge series (you are either hooked by now or not), I’ve decided to Ultra-Condense the books, as I have been doing with the Pratchett Discworld books.

I will say it is one of the best so far of the series, of a series that I think is the best of fantasy. Challenging for YA and adults alike, but worth the time and effort.


Wheel of Time

One Response to “Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan”

  1. Cari Says:

    When you’re done with the Wheel of Time series, you might want to check out “Servant of a Dark God.” It’s John Brown’s first book in a trilogy. I read it a couple weeks ago and it is crazy good. I highly recommend. Check it out http://johndbrown.com/novels/

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