15 Favorite Picture Books Read 2008

Butterfly Boy by by Virginia Kroll. il Gerardo Suzán

The Chicken Chasing Queen of Lamar County by Janice N. Harrington. il Shelley Jackson

A Cool Drink of Water by Barbara Kerley

Dreamland by Roni Schotter. il Kevin Hawkes

Flotsam by David Wiesner

Imagine a Night by Sarah L. Thomson. paintings by Rob Gonsalves

John, Paul, George & Ben by Lane Smith

Marven of the Great North Woods by Kathryn Lasky. il Kevin Hawkes

Me, All Alone, at the End of the World by M. T. Anderson. il Kevin Hawkes

Morris the Artist by Lore Segal

My Little Sister Ate One Hare by Bill Grossman. il Kevin Hawkes

The Three Silly Billies Margie Palatini. il Barry Moser

Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterfly by Alan Madison. il Kevin Hawkes

Walt Whitman: Words for America by Barbara Kerley. il Brian Selznick

Zen Ties by Jon Muth

2 Responses to “15 Favorite Picture Books Read 2008”

  1. Barbara Kerley Says:

    Wow — thanks so much for including WALT on your list. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book!

    Readers of your blog may be interested to know that I have extension/classroom activities for the book posted on my web site barbarakerley(dot)com.

    Barb Kerley

  2. minerva66 Says:

    Barbara, you are quite welcome. I have read several of your books and have loved every one. The themes, the text and the illustrations they are paired with.

    Thanks for the note about your site. I enjoy the notes that you put in your books about the creation of the books. I do not mind at all promoting your stuff. They are some of the best picture books I’ve seen.

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